Influence on free amino acids constituents of Morindae ficinalis How processed by common methods
摘要: 目的:建立氨基酸柱前衍生反向色谱测定法,分析比较巴戟天不同炮制品中氨基酸的差异,为其质控体系提供依据。方法:以水为溶剂,超声法提取巴戟天中的氨基酸,以异硫氰酸苯酯(PITC)柱前衍生,检测波长254nm,Sinergi 4u fusion-RP色谱柱(Phenomenex,250mm×4.6mm,4μm),柱温35℃,测定氨基酸的含量。结果:4~5年生巴戟天生品中含有14种游离氨基酸,酒蒸氨基酸总量较生品增加约14.8%,盐蒸和甘草制氨基酸总量基本不变,盐炒氨基酸总量减少约12.4%,酒炒氨基酸总量减少约43.9%。结论:本法操作简便、灵敏度高,结果准确、可靠。巴戟天生品酒蒸后游离氨基酸总量显著增加,盐蒸和甘草制者基本不变,盐炒和酒炒者均显著降低,提示不同炮制方法对巴戟天游离氨基酸含量影响有显著差异,其机制值得深入研究。Abstract: Objective:To establish an HPLC method with pre-column derivation for determining the contents of amino acids in Morindae ficinalis How of different processed samples.Methods:The amino acids were ultrasonically extracted with water and determined by RP-HPLC using phenyl isothiocyanate (PITC) as the pre-column derivation reagent.HPLC method was employed and Sinergi 4u fusion-RP (Phenomenex, 250mm×4.6mm, 4μm) was used at column temperature of 35℃.Results:There were 14 kinds of free amino acids in Morindae ficinalis How, which had been growing for 4~5 years.The total amino acids of wine steamed increased approximately 14.8% than raw products, salt steam and licorice root system was essentially the same, salt fried amino acids decrease of approximately 12.4%, wine fried decrease of approximately 43.9%.Conclusions:This method was simple, sensitive, accurate and reliable in results.The content of free amino acids constituents were influenced by processed by different ways.