摘要: 探讨了以番茄汁、黄瓜汁和大豆为原料研制天然、营养的保健豆腐,其制作最佳工艺参数为豆乳浓度1∶8,豆乳、番茄汁比200∶26,豆乳、黄瓜汁比200∶60,点浆温度80℃。该产品呈淡绿色,具有黄瓜的清香味和纯正的豆香味,营养更丰富,膳食结构更合理,符合现代食品发展趋势,具有广阔的市场前景Abstract: This paper discussed the manufacture of natural, nutritional and healthy bean curd.The best parameter of techniques as follows:the concentration of soybean juice is 1∶8. The optimum rate between soybean juice and tomato juice is 200∶26. The optimum rate between soybean juice and cucumber juice is 200∶60. The proper temperature is 80℃.The product is pea green with good smell and accord with modern foodstuffs development, so it has wide market foreground.